Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thank you for visiting!

I just wanted to thank all of our readers, and inform you that the reason you've seen no new blog posts in a while is that my husband and I have taken needed time to ourselves to strengthen our relationship and work on individual pursuits as well. God bless you, and I pray that the writings here on the site, and the vulnerability with which we tried to express them, have blessed you in some way.

Thank you,

Crystal Blount
Becoming One 101

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Public Love Letter To My Husband, Nick

As a perfectionist with many mental health struggles, I tend to disguise my emotional flaws when dealing with people. I started writing a sentence or two about something I appreciate about my husband, and then it turned into a full love letter. I'm sharing publicly because 1) I want him to know how great of a husband he is 2) I want the world to know it too 3) I want others to know some mistakes I've made and share a great example of an excellent husband with the men out there. So, read below for my public love letter to my husband:


I was scared and shaking like a freezing wet puppy dog on our wedding day. I nearly broke your fingers squeezing them so hard. I cried at the foot of the altar ruining my mascara because I couldn’t believe God was allowing this dream to come true. I just knew you would eventually see how shameful and flawed I was. I wasn’t ready. But God assured me if I took the leap, I would be okay. You urged me not to miss my window and stay stuck where I was, but to take your hand and jump. I rushed you because I didn’t want my dream guy and dream of marriage to slip through my fingers once you figured out how imperfect I was. It was unfair to you. You deserved a woman who had at least a better understanding of her issues and the willingness to be truthful about them. Our courtship, wedding, honeymoon, and first year wasn’t conventional; it was fast, and furious. I wasn’t ready for what marriage entailed or the challenge placed before me. I wasn’t ready to be real with anyone else, let alone myself.

I pinch myself often and still have a very hard time trusting and accepting that God blessed me with a husband who is both honest and faithful, who prefers an authentic relationship over a quick fix, who is strong enough to look my fears/rage/defensive walls dead in the eye, and who consistently submits his fleshly desires to the God he serves. When I got married, I never imagined guys like that existed....and I’ll admit I’ve put you through a lot because of the unaddressed pain/baggage I brought into our marriage.

Our relationship is far from perfect, but today I just want to publicly say THANK YOU babe for continuing to show and prove that a man can be honest and faithful, for taking the time to dispel my hurt, for being transparent with me and telling me EVERYTHING, for not leaving me when I’ve become a raging hormonal mental mess, for forgiving me when I mess up, for being man enough to ask for forgiveness if you mess up, for calming my frequent fears, and wiping my tears. You’ve helped me to see specific areas of my heart that need cleaning up. You’ve even helped me understand and diagnose why I do some of the stupid things I say and do. Most of all, you stood and fought through my pain when everyone else ran. Nearly everything I dislike about myself, you overlook. You’ve taught me that sincerity and authenticity matters more than perfection.

While we don’t have the power to change each other into exactly what we want, we can influence each other, sharpen each other, appreciate and respect each other, inspire and encourage each other to seek God’s strength and not give up. Nicholas, you have incredible teaching and leadership abilities, and you are the man I want to eventually learn how to follow 100%. You show me that I do EXIST, that my life does matter, and that the truth sets me free. You’ve given me the courage to admit and face my flaws and are helping me to embrace the power God put inside me to overcome them. You teach me how to face every problem head on, take decisive action, build relationships patiently, and not be so consumed with a fantasy that I forget to enjoy and appreciate the moment. My life is forever changed because of you. You gave me "something different", and I pray I can return the favor.

Nick Blount, I will always love you. I stay with you NOT because I think no one else would want me, but because I don’t want or need anyone else and you are the best man for the role. I feel like God made you for me, and he gave me exactly what I needed. You are an excellent husband. I can’t wait to see what he has in store for you, me, and us.

Monday, April 22, 2013

MVP: Making Your Husband Feel Like The Most Valuable Player of The Game!

First off, let me say that I am in no way an expert on the topic of making my man feel like a winner with me, but that is exactly why I'm writing this post. Truthfully, I've managed to perfect not making him feel like a winner more often than not. The reasons abound, but instead of going there, let me just own up to being a spoiled brat at times and living with fairy-tale expectations of what marriage should be.

My husband enjoys blowing off steam by playing his latest NBA 2K video game, and he has won championships, endorsements, 9 out of 10 times is elected the Most Valuable Player- MVP- of the game, and is well on his way to being a Hall-of-Famer. Not to mention his unrivaled custom NBA2K shoe collection. Me on the other hand, I can barely sit through one quarter before I'm twiddling my thumbs, stressing about all the work I have to do tomorrow, and often itching to get his attention away from the game. It's not that he plays too much - he is very responsible and attentive to life and me. But as of this morning, something CLICKED as to why he doesn't feel like a winner with me and want to "play" and engage in affection and romance with me more often.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Lessons From the Fall: A Holiday Update from the Newlyweds

Hello Newlyweds, Engaged, and Married Friends!

The journey God has led my husband and me through during the Fall season has been one that was very challenging and yet very fruitful! I've slowed down on writing to focus on the lessons God has been teaching me in this season. It's interesting to step back and see how much of a blessing it is when God doesn't give you exactly what YOU want the way you want it right away, but allows tough situations to build your character and lead you to seek him with a pure heart. We've learned so much about ourselves, our relationship with God and how important that is, along with a heart to be obedient, patient, long suffering, and kind to God and each other. I've personally made many mistakes and have sinned many times against God and my husband, and through their loving correction I continue to grow stronger. I have a long way to go. It has been so amazing to watch the gradual way God is polishing my husband as an incredible leader and husband throughout it all!

We've both been working hard in Los Angeles and keeping focused on career goals and financial goals. Nick's been doing some incredible production and songwriting work, as well as continuing to serve as a Minister of Music at the local church we attend and thoroughly managing the business of our home. I'm still working on the business side of music in public relations, pursuing the final stretch of my bachelor degree in Business Marketing (I should be graduating this time next year!), and looking into local volunteer ministry and speaking opportunities. It's been a busy year!

It would be such a BLESSING to hear an update from all of our friends and family about how you're doing in your marriages and what God has been showing you this last fall, summer, and now into the winter holidays! Whether you're engaged, newlywed, or going on 40 years, we love to hear from you! Please comment and share with your friends!

You can leave your comments below, and please use the share link to Facebook!


Crystal A. Blount

P.S. Here a photo of Nick and me on thanksgiving at our Pastor's house! Wishing you all a great Christmas!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Confession: The Greatest Lesson I Learned As A Newlywed

Confessions and Lessons of Year One

by Crystal A. Blount

Hello Newlyweds, Soon-to-Be's, and Married Folk!

It's truly a blessing and honor to be able to share my reflections with you in this blog. This blog was initially my idea of a way to join with my husband in a hobby that we might both take interest in. I'm more of the blogging type, and for reasons mentioned below...you've heard mainly from me. However, my husband Nick's leadership and guidance has been an undercurrent throughout this process, and I am grateful to have his support as I express myself through the written word. 

The Lord led me to a quiet place of soul-searching, and so I have not blogged in almost 2 months. The last two months have been life-changing, full of hard work, and yet very healing for me as I've begun to allow God to go deeper into my heart in my efforts to trust Him fully. I can see promises of God being fulfilled now and in the future for my wonderful Husband and me as we approach our ONE-year Anniversary! 

But before I can really get excited about our 25 year anniversary, or any others, I have to come clean about my struggles so you all can truly see my heart in this blog and be blessed by God. We bring our pain and sin to God, and he can make it something beautiful.

The Confession:
I have never fully trusted God, my Husband, or any man in my entire life.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Love Thought For Today: God's Beautiful Blessing of Marriage

Marriage is an incredible and challenging assignment. To be called to marriage is to be called to a disciplined work, a mighty test of character, a great ministry, a higher expectation of self revelation and personal growth, and a deeper communion with the Spirit. With the blessing of every test, trial, argument, reconciliation, forgiveness, and miraculous touch from God, we grow closer to His design for our creation and communion with Him.
It's less about the Eros love between a man and woman, and more about attaining the fruitfulness, richness, and eternal nature of Agape love. The trials we face as a couple are a gift from God to reveal himself to us.
The gift of intimacy and oneness designed to perpetuate his glorious creation.
A living example and lesson of the intimacy He desired since His word breathed live into Adam's flesh.
The embodiment and accomplishment of His very essence and Glory.

Friday, June 1, 2012


It's date night once again...

I love date night because it gives my Husband and me a chance to have fun, joke, laugh, and be friends. At first date nights seemed a bit overkill or too forced, but as the stress of life's long journey together set in at times, we've begun to look forward to our night during the week where we dust ourselves off, and enjoy the pleasures of life- together. A lasting marriage means a solid friendship, so we try to keep an open mind about what the other person likes, and experiment to find a common interest we can share.

Below are just a few fun and budget-friendly things Nick and I like to do together throughout the week to get to know each other, take a break, and have some fun. We are always up to trying new things, so please, comment and share your ideas and what activities you and your mate enjoy!